Russia Banned ‘Zombieland Saga’ For An Interesting Reason

Animes glamorizing afterlife themes could become common

It's Ericajean


Zombieland Saga


I just had the most fantastic time watching Zombieland Saga. At first I did not know what to expect — aside from zombies. However, I was pleasantly surprised by this five-star anime and the lessons will live with me forever. The downside to all of this, is that those in power, view animes like this with a more scrutinizing eye.

Before getting to why Russia banned Zombieland Saga and other animes like it, let’s explore what this anime is about.

The story begins with a middle school aged girl named Sakura. In 2008, Sakura was excited about leaving home for school when suddenly a truck comes out of nowhere and hits her. She dies and immediately the next scene cuts to her waking up.

We think it is the next day, when in fact it is 10 years later, and other girl zombies are also waking up around her. Their manager/the one who awakened them, Kotaro who is alive wants to turn them into a pop idol group to revive the idol spirit that is lost in the city of Saga.

Throughout the anime, we learn about each of the seven girls’ lives, including how they died…



It's Ericajean

Essayist and poet | Author of Rumors of Ouroboros . Learn more about Erica at