Is It True That Single Women Outlive Married Women?

Why this is the current buzz whispered around social media

It's Ericajean
5 min readJun 9, 2024


Photo by Tatiana Syrikova

When I was a little girl, reading romance novels and falling for the guys in Disney films like Aladdin, Beast, or Prince Charming from Cinderella — I did imagine briefly being married. Having the happily after. Being married would be my “end all be all”. However, by me being a Black woman, the conversations in my household always shifted to me completing college and not to “worry over a man”.

Several erotic novels and raging hormonal years later, I am married, and I tune in to social media often to see how other married couples are doing and what the singles are talking about. Lately, I’ve been noticing content creators talking about the lifespan of a married woman versus a single woman.

I’m not sure when this started happening, but I think I understand why the conversation is deeply important for women in general: we desire to understand what will uplift us and make us happy and avoid that which will cause us to fall into despair.

As a married woman myself, I can attest that some days are much harder than others. After being married for over a decade, the things that seemed “cute and sweet”, no longer does. The things you never thought you’d appreciate — you begin to appreciate. As…



It's Ericajean

Essayist and poet | Author of Rumors of Ouroboros . Learn more about Erica at