Here Are My Softer Reasons For Being Childfree

Social media gives us “harsh” repetitive reasons for not having kids, let me give a fresher, benign perspective

It's Ericajean


Photo by Ron Lach

from the womb they come
heavy blessings from above —
teary nights and stubbed toes

Many are offering very hard opinions as to why they do not want children. I want to offer my “soft” opinion on the matter with(hopefully) zero offenses occurring.

I’m a bit lazy…

First of all, my laziness is astounding. I tip my hat off to people who can get up at the crack of dawn because baby says so. I heard that even my own mom was too tired sometimes to get me when I would cry, and my dad would be the one to coddle me.

I like sleeping in on weekends and not having to fix breakfast immediately. I like not having to plan outings for afterschool and weekends and then Summers. I am way too relaxed for that. I certainly DO plan, but having children requires planning an awful lot.

having children is just not conducive to my financial planning

I’m a bit too thrifty…



It's Ericajean
It's Ericajean

Written by It's Ericajean

Essayist and poet | Author of Rumors of Ouroboros . Learn more about Erica at

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